Home Latest News iPhone Website Launched

iPhone Website Launched


Well since our website launched a couple of weeks ago we’ve been busy working on improving things. One of the bigger items we’ve been working are mobile version of our website. With one third of our traffic coming from mobile devices it’s important that we give the best experience possible to those users.

Today we’re delighted to announce an iPhone friendly version of rev.ie. If you’re viewing the website from an iPhone it will automatically switch you to the iPhone version of the website. You can switch back to the regular view if you wish by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

The iPhone site will be tweaked and modified over the coming weeks, and we’d love to hear your comments and suggestions below. To save a shortcut to our website on your iPhone follow the instructions below.

We will be working on other mobile versions so bare with us, lots more to come over the coming weeks and months!

Click the centre button at the bottom of the window.

Select the second option “Add to Home Screen”.

Give it a name, we suggest “Rev.ie” and click “Add” in the top right corner.

Now you have a shortcut to our website just like an App on your iPhone! Enjoy 🙂