Home Latest News “Tips For Driving In A Storm” With Liberty Insurance

“Tips For Driving In A Storm” With Liberty Insurance


Recent storms have hit the country hard, it’s important for drivers to be prepared for difficult conditions.

Here are our top tips:

Watch the Weather

Planning a car journey? Be sure to stay up to date on changing weather and traffic reports – that way you’ll anticipate and avoid stormy roadways. Know your weather warnings; Met Éireann have a handy guide here. New smartphones and tablets make following the weather even easier, with real-time wireless updates (just be sure not to check while driving).

Expect The Unexpected

Strong winds may affect control of your vehicle, particularly high-sided vehicles and motorcyclists so allow extra space on the road. Watch out for loose objects and fallen branches that may have been blown on to the road. Use dipped headlights at all times of poor visibility. Find some more useful suggestions on the RSA website.

Stock A Winter Emergency Kit

In the event that you do have to pull over during a major storm or find yourself with a broken-down vehicle, be prepared with a winter emergency kit. Recommended items include: a flashlight and batteries, hand-warmers, blankets, drinking water, shovel and ice scraper, jumper cables, and standalone emergency lights or flares. Have a fully charged mobile phone to hand, so you can call for assistance but remember to pull over if you need to use it #drivesafer.

Have a fully charged mobile phone to hand, so you can call for assistance.

All of these helpful driving tips can assist drivers in keeping themselves and others safe this winter.

For total peace of mind, you should think about getting gadget insurance. With Car ’N Stuff from Liberty Insurance, you get affordable car insurance and renters cover, with access to travel and gadget insurance.