Home Latest News Dr. Sarah Gets On The Road With Renault & AXA

Dr. Sarah Gets On The Road With Renault & AXA


Having returned from Melbourne via Malaysia on the 24th March, paediatric doctor Sarah Kyne is happy to be back home and working on the frontline supporting the HSE during the COVID-19 pandemic. 27-year old Sarah from Newbridge in Co. Kildare is now able to commute easily from her home to her new job in a Dublin Hospital having applied for the CovidCarCover initiative with Renault Ireland and Axa Insurance. Sarah, as well as other returning medics are able to apply for a car and insurance to help them get to and from work for the next two months.

This joint initiative between Axa and Renault is to acknowledge the exceptional contribution being made by returning medics to support the national response to the pandemic. Sarah is photographed at a social- distance with Richard Murphy of Renault Belgard collecting her Renault Mégane.
