Home Latest News “How To Reduce The Risk Of Burglaries”

“How To Reduce The Risk Of Burglaries”

In the interest of disclosure and transparency, the syndication of this article has been provided and paid for by FBD Insurance


There is no doubt that having your home burgled is a very distressing experience. That is why FBD Insurance have prepared a few simple steps that can help protect your home and reduce the risk of burglaries.

Light up

  • Keep your home well lit – nearly half of burglaries (46%) occur between 5pm and 11pm (source: garda.ie)
  • Shine a light – garden lights and motion-detecting floodlights can make approaching your home too conspicuous for a burglar.

Lock up

  • Remember to lock all doors -1 in 5 burglars will enter a home via an unlocked door or window (source: garda.ie)
  • Ensure all your external doors are properly fitted and equipped with an appropriate secure locking system (i.e. 5-lever mortice locks for wooden doors, multi-point locking for uPVC doors).
  • Secure all windows and doors – ensure all garage, basements and sliding doors are secure and that all windows are locked.
  • Never hide your spare keys outside make friends with your neighbours who can keep an eye on your property in your absence and who can also keep a spare key for your house.
  • Use a secure post box or letter cage to prevent a burglar from reaching nearby keys or undoing the latch from outside.


  • Using a visible home alarm system will actively discourage burglars from approaching your property. If you have an alarm ensure that you activate it when away from the home and while in bed.
  • Don’t establish any patterns so robbers can’t be sure of when you are leaving/arriving.
  • Keep trees and bushes trimmed back so burglars have nowhere to hide. Having gravel and loose stones can also alert you that someone is approaching your house.
  • Don’t advertise that you are not home anywhere on social media and keep your upcoming holiday plans to yourself.


  • Check if your home insurance is up to date.
  • In the event of a burglary notify the Garda immediately.
  • Contact your insurance company to advise them of the incident.
  • Secure the points at which the burglar gained entry.

If you need to renew your Home Insurance then contact FBD Insurance for a quote to ensure you are protected in the event of a burglary.