Home Motorsport News Motorsport Ireland Karting Commission Launches Girls On Track

Motorsport Ireland Karting Commission Launches Girls On Track


Motorsport Ireland Karting Commission, led by chairman Kieran Coleman is pleased to launch ‘Girls on Track’ which will support Irish female Motorsport Ireland (MI) license holders, who are competing in MI Karting events across Ireland from the age of six years upwards.

Motorsport Ireland Kart Racing is an all-inclusive sport catering for both male and female competitors and is one of the few sports where male and female competitors can compete together on a level playing field from an early age.

The MI Karting Commission wants to ensure that young girls competing in Karting are supported, encouraged and given equal opportunities so that they can achieve their full potential, while enjoying a lifelong involvement in the sport.

Kieran Coleman, Chairman, Motorsport Ireland Karting Commission commented: “Through MI Karting Girls on Track, we want our young female competitors to feel that they are part of the MI Karting family and show that kart racing is open to women, in all of its aspects of sport, no matter whether they are a competitor, official, mechanic, sister, daughter or Mum.”

John Naylor, President, Motorsport Ireland said “We want to encourage more females into Irish motorsport and karting is a great place to start from as early as 6 years of age. Through Girls on Track, Motorsport Ireland will nurture and support our young female license holders so that they can reach their full potential here in Ireland and internationally.”

The objectives of Motorsport Ireland Karting Girls on Track are as follows:

Develop a programme of activity which will help young motorsport Ireland female licence holders to reach their full potential

Develop social and educational programmes in order to encourage greater participation of women in motorsport.

Support young female drivers with mentoring, coaching, physical training and sports psychology

Increase the visibility and profile of all the female drivers in our sport

Demonstrate that women are recognised and valued by the Motorsport Ireland Kart Commission.

An open forum meeting for Girls on Track will be held on Wednesday 26th May at 19.30 via Zoom to kick of the 2021 Karting Season. Please contact mikartingsec@gmail.com if you would like to attend. For the most up-to-date information on the Motorsport Ireland Karting Championship and how to get started, visit mikarting.org email mikartingsec@gmail.com or mikartingchair@gmail.com.