Home Latest News TomTom Driving Competition

TomTom Driving Competition


TomTom has launched an online competition which invites people to ‘unwrap the world’ and win one of six unforgettable driving adventures To be eligible to win, entrants need to select a wrapped-up continent and unwrap it. In addition to the six main prizes, there are thousands of other prizes to be won, including TomTom navigation devices, Nike+ sports watches and gift vouchers. The global competition runs until 15th January 2013 and is open to people living in the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, South Africa, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, USA*, Canada**, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and India.

The six main prizewinners will be sent on a two-week driving adventure for four people along one of these spectacular routes: Ruta 40 in Argentina; the Garden Route in South Africa; the Grand Alpine Tour in Europe; the Malaysian Roundabout; the Australian Coastal Route; or the Pacific Coast Highway in California. You can enter the competition by following this link at www.tomtom.com/more