Home Latest News Topaz Offers Free Coffee to Drivers Today

Topaz Offers Free Coffee to Drivers Today


The Road Safety Authority and Topaz are encouraging drivers to be aware of the dangers of driver fatigue, especially on long journeys. As part of the ‘Driver Reviver’ campaign – which is run in conjunction with the RSA – Topaz provides free coffee to drivers on Bank Holiday Fridays at over 100 participating sites nationwide. Any drivers feeling tired are advised to pull over, grab a free coffee and have a short nap before resuming their journeys. Topaz expects to give away up to 10,000 free coffees in total. Commenting on the announcement, Paul Condon, Marketing and Corporate Services Director at Topaz said: “This is part of our ongoing campaign to raise awareness of driver fatigue and to make our roads safer over the upcoming weekend. All drivers have to do is show their car keys to staff and request a free coffee on Friday 3rd of August”.